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Birthstones by Month Overview

As mentioned in the Bible, the historical origin of birthstones is believed to date back from Aaron. Aaron is a high priest during the time of Moses and he wore a breastplate with twelve gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. As times goes by, people believed that wearing one's own birthstone can bring good luck. Here the following is a chart for birthstones by month and its colors.

Birthstones by Month and Birthstone colors

Birthstone of  January - Garnet
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January Birthstone - Garnet
Birthstone for January is Garnet. Garnet is rich in colors, such as pink, violet, yellow, red, brown, black, purple, orange, grean and even transparent. The most popular color of garnet is reddish-brown. Dates back to 5,000 years ago, ancient Egyption people started to use garnet for beads and jewelry. Garnet was also very popular in Greece, Rome, Sumeria, Sweden and many European countries during the Middle Ages. In India, garnet is used as a sacred stone for Religious rituals. In ancient times, garnet was widely used as a talisman and was usually given as a prized jewelry to winners. The color of January birthstone garnet is reddish-brown. The meaning and symbolism of garnet birthstone is friendship, balance, passionate devotion, intense feelings, love, vitality, purification and strong.
Birthstone of  February - Amethyst
February Birthstone - Amethyst
Birthstone for February is Amethyst. The color of Amethyst ranges from deep purple, dark violet, to pale lavender. The rich color of Amethyst is associated with royalty and nobility. For proper care, one should keep the amythyst jewelry from the sun because heat strips the gemstone of color and causes it to be yellow. Records show that the usage of amethysts as jewelry pendants, bracelets and crowns started from 3,000 B.C. by Egypition nobility. In ancient time, amythyst gemstones were believed to be "gems of fire" and were considered to be precious stone as diamond. The color of February birthstone amethyst ranges from deep violet, dark violet to pale lavender. The meaning and symbolism of Amethyst is spirituality and contentment, sincerity and security.
Birthstone of  March - Aquamarine
March Birthstone - Aquamarine
Birthstone for March is aquamarine. Aquamarine, which symbolizes hontesty, beauty and loyalty, is a pastel stone which is greenish-blue in color. Derived from Latin, the name means "sea and water". The most valued aquamarine has the vivid blue qua shade. Aquamarine is often used in rings because of its durability and beauty.
Birthstone of  April - Diamond
April Birthstone - Diamond
Birthstone for April is diamond. As a precious gemstone, diamond is the most known and popular gem of all the gemstones. Diamond is a mineral compound made of absolute carbon and it is believed to be the hardest natural substance on earth. For this reason, diamond should always be kept separately from other gemstones, otherwise, it damages other gems. Diamonds are so strong that they can only be cut or polished by another diamond. The most popular color of diamond is colorless, but there are also brown, black, pink, yellow, blue, red and purple diamonds found throughout the world. The most important standard for diamond jewelry is 4C: cut, clarity, color, and carat. The higher the carate weight and clarity level of a diamond, the more valuable the gem.
Birthstone of May - Emerald
May Birthstone - Emerald
Birthstone for May is emerald. Emerald is a precious gemstone which represents faith, success in love, wisdom, and domestic bliss. The most popular color of emerald is brilliant green. When subjected to high heat, emerald can have blue or yellow understones and lose all green color. The earliest emerald gemstones are believed to be mined in ancient Egypt dates back to 2,000 B.C. Today, the majority of emerald gems are mined in Brazil, Columbia, and Zambia.
Birthstone of  June - Pearl
June Birthstone - Pearl, Alexandrite, and Moonstone
The month of June has three birthstones, which are Pearl, Alexandite, and Moonstone. Among the three gems, pearl is the most popular birthstone for June used by majority of people. The pearl symbolizes happiness, success, and love. Unlike most other mined gemstones, pearls are formed in the shells of most living mollusks. The most valued pearls are created inside of saltwater oysters and freshwater clams whoes shells are lined with nacre( mother of pearl). Cultured pearls are mainly the same as the natural pearls, and the only difference is that a foreign particle is intentionally inserted into the mollusk with the purpose of creating a gemstone.
Birthstone of July - Ruby
July Birthstone - Ruby
Birthstone for July is ruby. Ruby is a precious gemstone which color ranges from pink to deep red. The name of ruby comes from a latin word "ruber", which means red. It is believed that rubies can attract good luck for the wearer. Today, ruby symbolizes love and passion. Most rubies are mined in South Africa and Cambodia.
Birthstone of August - Peridot
August Birthstone - Peridot
Birthstone for August is peridot. Compaired with other gemstones, peridot has the least color. Peridot occure in one color,which is naturally olive green. The intensity of the green color of peridot depends on the amount iron in the gem formation. Mostly, people confused about peridot and emerald because of the similar colors and peridot is sometimes called "the evening emerald". It is believed that peridot symbolizes strength, and it will protect the wearer from evil dreams if the gem is set in gold.
Birthstone of September - Sapphire
September Birthstone - Sapphire
Birthstone for September is sapphire. Known for its blue hues, sapphires actually comes in a variety of colors, like pink, white, yellow and even colorless. The blue sapphire represents peace and serenity and are mostly seen in royal families jewelry collections. According to ancient religion, sapphire symbolizes wisdom, purity, loyalty and faith. Along with diamond, emerald and ruby, sapphire is one of the most precious four gemstones.
Birthstone of November - Opal
October Birthstone - Opal
Birthstone for October is opal. The name "opal" is derived from the Latin word "opalus", which means "to see a change in color". Though most opals are white with iridescence, they can be red, black, blue and even transparent with flecks of red and yellow. Opal gemstones are mostly found in the U.S., Australia, and Mexico. The symbolism and meaning of opal is hope and innocence.
Birthstone of November - Topaz
November Birthstone - Topaz
Birthstone for November is topaz. Topaz comes in a variety of colors, such as blue, pink, yellow and even colorless. Topaz is a firstly a name of an island, Topazos, in the Red Sea where the Romans first found the gem. Topaz is believed to have healing properties to help breathing disorders, like tuberculosis and asthma. The symbolism and meaning of topaz is faithfulness, consistency and friendship.
Birthstone of December - Blue Topaz
December Birthstone - Blue Topaz
Birthstone for December is blue topaz. Blue topaz gemstone is bright and brilliant icy blue. In ancient times, people believed that blue topaz had cooling properties on a pot of water as well as hot tempers. The symbolism and meaning of blue topaz is love and fidelity. It is thought that the wearer of blue topaz may experience an increased confidence in their communication ability.

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