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Showing posts from August, 2017

Infinity and Cross Necklace

There was a time when it was a religious and spiritual protocol that cross pendant necklaces be worn or carried to symbolize the crucifix and the execution of Jesus Christ. The cross was, and still is, a representation of the faith in Christianity, and is sometimes believed to be able to ward off evil spirits and repel bad influences. But the use of the cross necklace today has reached far beyond such ideals. The Significance of Cross Necklaces The cross shape has appeared in necklaces and jewelry for many hundreds of years. The cross is one of the important symbols of the Christian faith, however the bold shape and the easy clear lines have meant that the cross shape lends itself to many jewelry designs and is a popular choice by many designers. Cross necklaces are no longer seen as purely a symbol of the Christian faith, although it is cherished and treasured by many Christians, and it is worn by people who hold other or no beliefs. Types of Cross Necklace One o